
Average score 498 Reviews
Robert Guillet noted on Google

Très bon restaurant asiatique, propre, bien achalandé et très professionnel. Je recommande 👍 (Translated by Google) Very good Asian restaurant, clean, well stocked and very professional. I recommend 👍

2 months ago
Jean-Luc Bonnin noted on Google

2 months ago
Patrick Roux noted on Google

Je m'y re-arreterai volontiers (Translated by Google) I would happily stop there again

2 months ago
eric vallee noted on Google

Très bien (Translated by Google) Alright

2 months ago
michel ricordeau noted on Google

2 months ago
Gareth Watson noted on Google

2 months ago
Jeanne noted on Google

Bon rapport qualité prix. Personnel très sympathique (Translated by Google) Good value for money. Very friendly staff

2 months ago
Maryse Leroy noted on Google

2 months ago
B F noted on Google

2 months ago
Sylvie Braun noted on Google

Facile et rapide malgré un restaurant plus que Complet (Translated by Google) Easy and quick despite a more than full restaurant

2 months ago

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